Minutes – 17 November 2014
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at Crawley Village Hall on Monday 17 November 2014
Mr F Fratter
Mrs C Phillips (Chairman)
Dr T Willsher
Tim Anderson
Mrs S Frewin (Clerk)
Also present David Barnard, Alison Carey, Phill Bailey, C Horrill, PSCO Kerry Croutear
The Clerk advised that the standing orders have been amended by NALC. The amendment dated 06 August by the local Government Bodies Regulations 2014 provides that a person may not orally report or comment about a meeting as it takes place if he is present at the meeting of a parish council or its committees but otherwise may;
- Film, photograph or make an audio recording of a meeting
- Use any other means for enabling persons not present to see or hear proceedings at a meeting as it takes place or later
- Report or comment on the proceedings in writing during or after a meeting or orally report or comment after the meeting.
All councillors accepted the change, FF asked if something is being recorded, – can they do this covertly or do they have to make people aware that they are doing this? The Clerk agreed to check with HALC.
A parishioner bought up the wind turbine application. The committee meeting for this application has been postponed until January.
The minutes of the previous meeting 22 September 2014, having been previously circulated, were agreed and duly signed as a true record. Proposed by CP seconded by FF
NW and Police Report attached. CP bought up that people continue to park on pavements in the village, causing an obstruction. Kerry advised that she had caught some people doing this and has sent them letters asking them to stop.
County Councillor Phil Bailey: The parking issue is a major problem within Hampshire. The main problem is that households have more than 1 car and they park on the roadside. Busses – there was a consultation in September that explained there would be a reduction in budget and some services would be dropped. It was not stated at the time which service would be affected. The decision made to reduce the service to Crawley and Littleton was made very recently. Phil agreed to investigate with HCC to see why the bus companies have reduced our service without consultation. He asked the PC to provide an e-mail complaining of this and he will see if he can get it looked at. Every service that HCC subsidise has been cut.
District Councillor Caroline Horrill: The boundary commission is looking to reduce the number of councillors in Winchester. The wards will have to change, as parishes will have to be grouped together. It is possible that Crawley would join up with other parishes, this will happen in 2016 when all the councillors will have to reapply for their positions. The Local Plan part 2 is in consultation and she urged Crawley to look at this. The wind turbine at Sparsholt will go to committee in January, if Crawley can go and comment, that would help. The Silverhill development is creating quite a lot of conflict in the City, but as yet the plans are not submitted to WCC. There is a lot of debate about the recent speed limit reductions in the city actually working, as it is not enforceable by law. The person responsible for Highways at WCC has moved and Caroline is trying to find out who will be taking this over and get the kerbing done (by the pond) etc. She asked for the report that Heather did in October so she can chase outstanding issues for us.
River Park Leisure Centre is still undecided. The Council is not looking at this currently as it is still trying to resolve Silverhill. There is a question as to whether it should be in town or whether it moves to Bar End where some of the facilities are already located. Carole suggested that the council put cycle routes in for the locals to get to Bar End rather than have it refurbished where it is. Caroline will pass these comments on.
The Annex B was discussed as was the Local Plan Part 2. CP advised that it talks about what is happening in and around Winchester. There is nothing to note of real interest for Crawley but the plan was sent round on a read list for councillors to peruse and pass onto the next councillor.
VDS, the Clerk is working on re typing and formatting the VDS and all councillors agreed this was not an urgent job.
Financial Statement (Annex A): The Clerk read the financial statement as at 31 October 2014 and Cllr Fratter circulated the budget statement. With adjustment to take into account the approval given for the payment of bills the financial statement is attached at Annex A. Proposed FF seconded CP.
The Clerk agreed to give details of the cuts done by Scandor for this year to David to check that they were actually done and that we have been charged the correct amount.
The clerk received the following Risk Assessment forms: Churchyard, playground and ??
- Roads and verges – No report
- Mowing and Burial Ground – the new schedule and costs will be ready for January.
- Footpaths – The footpaths are all overgrown, hopefully they will be cut now that the harvesting is almost finished.
- Buses and signs. Discussed earlier with County Reports
- Pond – Tim wants to propose 6th December to cut the bank back. It will be placed on the website for parishioners for those that wish to help. CP has had comments that the water can’t be seen by people sitting on the bench, Tim will look to see how the bank is cut and see if it can be cut a little lower.
- Playground – The clerk confirmed that she was meeting with Tom Wednesday morning to go through the funding.
- Cricket Club: The outfield – looks good and it plays well. David advised that the CC are happy to run with Scandor again as they made a good job of it this year. He advised that they had held their autumn meeting and that they will be purchasing a power roller for the field and also new nets. Do they need to get planning permission for these? The Clerk advised David to check with WCC. They will be on an artificial surface instead of grass. They also need a lockable home for the roller. The CC will finance it; they just need input form the PC on what is acceptable. If planning permission is required they will contact the Clerk to put this in to WCC.
David advised that the village has a number of small businesses and would it be possible for them to all get together to create a consortium to help issues within Crawley? They could help raise money for the village?
- Trees No Report.
Tom would like to get a defibrillator for the village. They cost is around £4000 Caroline advised that Sparsholt are also buying one and she will give the councillor details to Tom.
She advised that it needs to be owned by the PC so that it is properly insured. As there are no funds within the budget Tom agreed that he would look to get it funded by the village another way.
Tom Willshere then left the meeting as was unwell.
As there is a village website already set up, PC is looking at a PC website only that will be linked up with the village one.
There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.08pm. The next full meeting is scheduled for 12 January.
The dates for 2015 were discussed, the clerk will check that Tom can make the revised July date of 03 August and also the 20 April for the AGM. Councillors are to have a think about a guest speaker they would like. The dates agreed were:
12 January, 16 March, 20 April, 18 May, 03 August, 21 September, 16 November.
Signed…………………………………… Date……………………