Crawley Village Parish Council, Hampshire

Burial Ground Information



Charges with effect from 1 January 2025

There is a fee chargeable for the purchase of a grave space with exclusive right of burial, and a second fee chargeable for the right of interment or reopening of a grave.

The fees set out below apply where the person, in respect of whom the right is granted, is or was a parishioner of Crawley or had been within the period of five years of the granting of the right, or had been earlier a parishioner for a period of twenty years.

The internment fees only will be waived for the burial of a minor (under 16 years), the purchase cost of a plot will still apply.

As the cost of maintaining the Burial Ground falls on the Parish Council precept, and is therefore met by Crawley parishioners, the Parish Council reserves discretion in making spaces available for non-parishioners.  In considering the application of such discretion the Council will only consider granting a burial site where a connection with Crawley can be identified, and then permission will only be agreed after consultation with the Chairman and one other Councillor or any two Councillors in the Chairman’s absence.

If a grave space is made available, the fees for purchase and interment as scheduled below will be doubled.

Purchase of a Grave Space and Exclusive Right of Burial

 Earth grave 9 feet by 4 feet with exclusive right of burial

for 100 years therein                                                                                    £220.00

Interment or Reopening of Grave                                                               £220.00

The first fee (purchase of plot) is payable at the time of purchase: the second fee (internment) at time of burial.

These fees do not include the cost of digging the grave.


Scattering or burial of cremated remains (In a purchased plot)             £110.00                                                                                               

Monuments, Headstones and Inscriptions.


For the right to erect or place one of the following and for keeping in same repair

Placing a bench in the burial ground                                                        £200.00


 These fees, payable under Sections 214 and 215 and Schedule 26 of the Local Government Act 1972 and the Local Authorities (Cemeteries) Order 1977 were approved by Crawley Parish Council on 25 June 2018 and are subject to regular review.  The previous restriction on kerbs was removed on 19 September 2005.

Detailed burial records are held by the Parish Council, and anyone wishing to reserve or purchase a plot should contact the Parish Clerk, Nicky Breen, in the first instance on 01962 776909 or by e-mail on